Accessibility Statement

(Revised 8-30-2024)

General Our company is dedicated to our website meeting the needs of all users. A person’s disability is often unique. Our company has made efforts to accommodate as many of our customers and potential customers as is reasonable given our size, resources, and knowledge of our customers, and potential customer’s needs. To that end we have engaged the services of professionals to assist and advise us in these matters. Accessibility on this Website Our website provides background tools to assist users. Additionally, web browsers have built-in tools to help users. If you are having difficulty with access to our website even after utilizing any access features within this website and/or any third party or browser features, we invite you to contact us for further assistance. Contact information is set forth below. Some Specific Accessibility Features within this website. As our website develops, we will be adding plugins offered by third-part companies to assist us. Please feel free to contact us about the third-party plugins. Disclaimer We anticipate that from time to time, within our resources, we will be making modifications to parts of our website, and possibly modifications to accessibility of our website. Reasonable efforts toward improving seamless, accessible, and unhindered use of websites by customers and potential customers is generally a worthwhile goal. Moving closer to this goal will often depend on the knowledge the company has regarding any difficulties those using the website might encounter, as well as available resources and improvements with technology. Your user feedback is important to us. Contact information is set forth below. Third Party Applications Our website may use third-party add-ons or “plug-ins” for certain functions, such as Google Maps, social media feeds, etc. These may not work or may not work the same for every user and/or every type of disability. We do not have control over the structure of these plugins, and are unable to modify them at all or to the extent that would accommodate every user of our website, and are not responsible for those elements which we do not control. Video Our website has or plans to have some video elements. Each video will either have close captioning or text equivalent located next to the video. Contact Information: We are Here To Help If you are experiencing difficulties with any content on our website because of a disability, or if you require assistance with any part of our site because of your particular disability, please contact us at CustomerService@DIameco.comand let us know. We will be happy to assist and your feedback is always welcome. 

By clicking 'Accept All' you consent that we may collect information about you for various purposes, including: Functionality, Statistics and Marketing